Why Pawlenty Quit And What It Means For Perry

"There's a big, bright light that comes down on you."
That's the way Tim Pawlenty described running for President as he dropped out of the race after his disappointing showing in Iowa.
Pawlenty never really caught on. Maybe it was too much of that "Minnesota nice" in him. Maybe he just didn't have the fire in his belly. Maybe it was a bit of both.
He had to do well in Iowa since that was near his home base. He didn't do well enough.
Pawlenty presented himself as the "can do" executive who had already run a state and showed proven job experience. And, let's face it -- that was a nice contrast to Barack Obama who never really ran anything.
But that wasn't enough.
You've also got to be articulate, compelling, have good ideas and be an engaging "people person." You've got to show major leadership qualities AND have the resume to go with it. Plus, it helps to have had national exposure before you jump into the race.
There's a lesson in Palwenty's experience for new candidate Rick Perry -- a lesson about that "big, bright light."
That light will now begin to shine on Perry. The national media will scrutinize him. We're about to find out if Perry is ready -- if he can handle it. Oftentimes, a "candidate" reaches his or her peak just before entering the race and the it's all downhill from there.


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