Showing posts with label Senate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senate. Show all posts

Unmasking The REAL Harry Reid

A special alert regarding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would like you to believe that he's hard at work protecting the so-called "little guy". Ignore for a moment the millions he's made doing real estate deals or his powerful supporters (like casino mogul Steve Wynn ), Reid is all about "the little guy".
You can really see how deeply he cares for "the folks" when you read his remarks after the Senate killed the House's "Cut, Cap and Balance" plan yesterday, which he said was a waste of the Senate's time.
To recap: The "Cut, Cap and Balance" plan was designed to implement substantial cuts in current spending in order to reduce the deficit immediately, put into place enforceable spending caps that would lead to a balanced budget; and passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment that would ensure that the current fiscal crisis wouldn't be easily repeated.
Reid and his Senate allies would be in opposition to this plan simply because it dares attack the main reason for the oncoming budget calamity: entitlements for senior citizens, namely Social Security and Medicare.
Putting aside all of the empty rhetoric, the inarguable fact is that both programs are staring at complete financial Armageddon, sooner rather than later. As baby boomers age, fewer and fewer taxpayers are available to pay for more and more recipients, and that's a recipe for disaster.
Democrats will continue to forestall any attempts on behalf of Republicans to make any serious changes simply because doing so is worth millions of votes come November 2012. And voters in their infinite wisdom will either buy into the Democrats shameless lies or not pay enough attention to the problem in hopes that it will go away.
Regardless, Harry Reid can continue to fight for the little guy, people like billionaire Steve Wynn and wealthy Nevada real estate developers.
HatTip: National Tea Party Alert.

Toomey To Obama: Stop 'Shrill Exaggerations'

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey talks with Fox New's Bill Hemmer about the budget and the debt limit.

Tea Party Ass'n. To Welcome Toomey Wednesday

The Independence Hall Tea Party Association is partnering with Heritage Action for America and other assorted Conservative groups to present U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) this Wednesday night (details below) at a timely event on the national debt.

WPHT talk show host, Dom Giordano, will moderate.

Should we raise the debt ceiling--again? 
What will happen if we don't?

Sen. Pat Toomey:  Cutting Through the Liberal Debt Hysteria         
When:   Wednesday, April 27, 7-9 PM 
Where:  Fort Washington Holiday Inn, 432 West Pennsylvania Avenue, 
Fort Washington, PA


Media Overhear Schumer Scheming With Dems

Everyone knows that New York Senator Charles Schumer loves to get media face time.
But of course that requires staying "on message." And when you share your face time (or instruct others in carrying out their face time) it also requires synchronizing the words and the message.
It requires discipline and repetition.
After all, that's the essence of propaganda.
And Schumer and his Democrat colleagues in Congress are nothing if not propagandists.
Anyway, it now appears as if Schummer's been caught in the act and the Washington Examiner has a fine story about it.
Here's an excerpt:
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the Democratic Senate leadership, got on a conference call with reporters Tuesday morning without realizing the reporters were already listening in. Schumer thought he was on a private line with four Democratic senators who were to talk with reporters about the current budget stalemate.
Schumer instructed the group, made up of Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Tom Carper of Delaware, Ben Cardin of Maryland and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, to tell reporters that the GOP is refusing to negotiate.
He told the group to make sure they label the GOP spending cuts as "extreme."
"I always use extreme, Schumer said. "That is what the caucus instructed me to use."
Someone must have finally told Schumer that the media were listening and he stopped talking midsentence.
Click here to read more on the Schumer synchronization stunt.

McCaskill Owed Back Taxes On Plane

Missouri's Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill is facing one helluva fight for re-election next year.
And now she's handed her opponent a potent issue.
All this is quite typical of liberals (especially those high-flying liberals who have $$$ to burn). They want to raise your taxes but they don't necessarily want to pay their own, if they can avoid it.
Anyway, here an excerpt from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill's airplane has caused her more political turbulence, as she acknowledged she may owe more than $287,000 in back taxes on the private aircraft.
McCaskill has already written an $88,000 personal check to the U.S. Treasury Department to reimburse money from her Senate office account used to fly the plane around Missouri, including one flight that was political in nature.
On Monday, she arranged a conference call with reporters to announce that her personal liability may be even greater. McCaskill said she had sent a check to the St. Louis County Department of Revenue for $287,273 to cover four years' worth of personal property taxes, plus interest and penalties.
"This was a mistake," McCaskill said. "It should have been reported in Missouri. It should have been paid in Missouri."
Click here for more on this story.

Toilet Topics: Choose Your Own Crapper

If the federal government can support abortion rights, why can't it also support light bulb choice, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul asked yesterday.
And then there's the matter of his -- and your -- toilet!

Democrats Crippling Our Anti-Terrorism Efforts?

A car bomb in Times Square. The assassination attempt on an Armed Forces recruiter in Little Rock. These smaller scale terror attacks and many more like them have been foiled through the use of Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which allows authorities to focus on a national security target even though there is no proof that he or she is affiliated with a larger terrorist organization like Al-Qaeda.

Yet this "Lone Wolf" provision - the one that has helped stop the numerous smaller scale terror attacks that have occurred so often in the last few years - is the EXACT thing that some members of Senate, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman (D-Vt.), want to eliminate.

The Washington Post has the story on this. Read it by clicking here.

Let's Halt Federal Funding Of Abortion Now!

A special message from Brian Burch of
Moments ago, the pro-abortion Senate voted 44-56 to reject a budget that would have ended funding for Planned Parenthood. Another possible government shutdown looms March 18.
Today's vote is not the end, as Republicans in the House must now respond.
Our battle continues, and while today's vote may be discouraging, I hope you will not despair. This setback can be frustrating, but a number of options remain -- beginning with our demand that Republicans stand firm and refuse to give in to the Senate. We simply CANNOT compromise on this issue.
Click here to sign on to our open letter to Republican leadership.

Remember this is taxpayer funding that will go directly into the pockets of Planned Parenthood - the same Planned Parenthood that just reported performing a record number of abortions in 2009, and the same Planned Parenthood that has been caught repeatedly flouting the law.
With our federal government drowning in debt, how could the Senate continue to fund this scandal-plagued organization with $366 million of OUR tax dollars?

Boehner: Let Senate Vote On ObamaCare Repeal

From Speaker of the House John Boehner:
Over the past year families and small businesses have spoken out about ObamaCare's job-destroying mandates, tax increases and cost hikes.  Yesterday a federal judge in Florida agreed that the President's health care law is not only unaffordable, but unconstitutional as well.
In his decision the judge cited a small business owner and plaintiff in Panama City, who indicated that the health care law is forcing her to consider “whether she can maintain her business,” or if she will be forced to “lay off employees” or “close her business” altogether.  This view is shared by a number of small businesses . . . which is why I'm hopeful that this case will soon come before the Supreme Court for swift and fair resolution. 
Of course, the easiest way to protect families and small businesses from this job-destroying health care law is to repeal it so we can start over with common-sense reforms that lower costs and protect jobs.  The House has passed legislation to do just that.  Now it is time for Democratic leaders in the Senate to heed the call of the American people, and allow this common-sense measure an up-or-down vote.

Casey & Toomey: Not Exactly A Bromance, But . . .

Pennsylvania US Senators Pat Toomey (a newly-elected Republican) and Bob Casey (an up-for-re-election Democrat) will sit together at this week's State of the Union joint session of Congress.
In doing so, they will break the long-standing tradition that has members of Congress sitting on opposite sides of the aisle according to party affiliation.
Here's what the senators have to say about it:

Senator Bob Casey:
“The simple act of sitting together in a normally divided chamber will send an important signal that legislating shouldn’t be about taking partisan sides…Senator Toomey and I will sit together as public officials representing all the people of Pennsylvania. I look forward to working together and hope the bipartisan spirit will continue for all Members of Congress.”
Senator Pat Toomey:
“I am proud to sit with my fellow colleague from Pennsylvania, Senator Bob Casey…There will be many opportunities for us to work together in the 112th Congress, and sitting next to each other is a small, but important step towards setting a civil and cooperative tone for the challenging work ahead of us.”

Support Toomey; Sign 'Stop The Debt' Pledge

A special message from Senator Jim DeMint:

I'm writing to share an important Wall Street Journal op-ed written by newly-elected Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), which outlines how we can freeze the debt ceiling without defaulting on our debt obligations. Senator Toomey's argument is nothing short of a game changer in the debt limit debate.

Senator Toomey correctly points out that if the debt limit is reached later this year, the government will still have plenty of money to service the national debt. He writes,

"In fact, if Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling, the federal government will still have far more than enough money to fully service our debt. Next year, for instance, about 6.5% of all projected federal government expenditures will go to interest on our debt, and tax revenue is projected to cover about 67% of all government expenditures. With roughly 10 times more income than needed to honor our debt obligations, why would we ever default?"

Americans should reject the sky-is-falling-hysteria coming from President Obama and demand that Congress stop the debt and balance the budget. You can add your voice to this effort by signing the "Stop the Debt" pledge at

Now is the time to make fundamental, long-term budget reforms that will stop the spending and save our country from fiscal ruin. 

When the Senate considers the debt limit next month, Republicans must do everything they can to block an increase in the debt limit. Senator Toomey has presented the facts they need to fight back when they're accused of threatening to put the nation in default.  

I want to thank each of you who helped elect Senator Toomey last year by supporting the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF). Without your support, he wouldn't be in a place to influence this critical debate.

Senator Toomey Stands Firm On Debt Ceiling

From PoliticsPA:
Democrats who think that the GOP will blink first on the debt ceiling issue had better proceed with caution. Senator Pat Toomey is on a full court press today with a rebuttal to the argument that refusing to raise the debt ceiling will result in catastrophe.

“You can’t hold hostage the debt ceiling vote, or you risk armageddon,” said Toomey, characterizing the position of the Obama administration.
Toomey disagrees.
“We can do so without jeopardizing the full faith and credit of our country—and we should,” he argues in an op-ed to the Wall Street Journal. Toomey calculates that government revenue is more than enough to cover America’s debt payments in the case of a stalemate.
“I intend to introduce legislation that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority in the event that the debt ceiling is not raised. This would not only ensure the continued confidence of investors at home and abroad, but would enable us to have an honest debate about the consequences of our eventual decision about the debt ceiling,” wrote Toomey.
Click here to read more.

Advice For The New GOP Congress

We have a rule in public relations that applies to almost every situation: Hit the ground running and stay out in front of issues and events.
That would be my first bit of advice to the new GOP House and newly-empowered GOP Senate minority that takes office this week.
The new Republican leaders and members of Congress should waste no time.
They should move quickly and confidently.
They must get about their work with a self-assured swiftness.
They must set the agenda promptly with bold, definitive action.
They should not wait to react to events. Instead --they must act. They must make things happen.
If their plan is to repeal Obamacare (and that's what they were elected to do) then they should go ahead and pass repeal legislation. They have the votes to do it in the House. So, this should be the very first order of business. Pass the repel and let the Democrats do the reacting.
The days of the GOP being the party of REaction should now be over. The days of action must now begin.
There is no mystery about what the GOP agenda should be: smaller government, lower taxes, less government regulation, an end to runaway spending, a new, business-friendly, pro- growth climTe, more personal freedom and individual initiative.
The GOP should not hesitate to pass legislation along these lines. If the Democrats want to thwart the legislation or if the president wants to veto it, so be it. Then, the blame for poorly-placed REaction or inaction will be on the Democrats.
But for now let the Republicans act.
Let them take the lead. Let them get out in front. Let them set the agenda.
And let the revolution begin.

Sen. Elect Toomey Announces Key Hires

Senator-Elect Pat Toomey announced a number of key hires for his Pennsylvania Senate offices, including, State Director, Deputy State Director, Western PA Director, Eastern PA Director, Regional Manager for the Lehigh Valley, Regional Manager for Northwest Pennsylvania, and Regional Manager for Southeast Pennsylvania.
Bob DeSousa – State Director.  Mr. DeSousa brings a long and impressive resume of serving Pennsylvania to the job of Senator-Elect Toomey’s State Director.  Currently serving as counsel for Dethlefs-Pykosh Law Group, Mr. DeSousa began his prestigious legal career as a Federal Law Clerk in Williamsport, PA, and then as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for Pennsylvania’s Middle District in Scranton and later Lewisburg, PA.  He went on to serve as the Chief Counsel for Pennsylvania’s Department of State and the Inspector General of the Commonwealth under Governor Tom Ridge, a cabinet level position.  Mr. DeSousa also has many years of business and legal experience in the private sector.
Mr. DeSousa is an Officer in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, the National Treasurer of the Federal Bar Association, the State Judge Advocate for the Department of Pennsylvania Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Treasurer of the Dauphin County General Authority, and the Past Chairman of the Board of the National Civil War Museum.  In addition, Mr. DeSousa currently serves as the Regional Trial Defense Counsel for nine northeastern states.  Mr. DeSousa received his bachelor’s degree from Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA and his law degree from the Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle, PA.
Susan Zimskind – Deputy State Director.  A resident of Pennsylvania for 25 years, Ms. Zimskind has many years of experience working for Senator-Elect Toomey and serving her community in the Lehigh Valley.  She previously served as the Deputy District Director for then-Congressman Toomey in Pennsylvania’s Fifteenth Congressional District.  Ms. Zimskind has also volunteered for the Jewish Day School of Allentown, the Allentown JCC Women’s Auxiliary, and Temple Beth El.  She graduated with Distinction from McGill University in Montreal.
Matt Blackburn – Western Pennsylvania Director.  A native of Erie, PA, Mr. Blackburn has many years of experience working in the legislative, policy, and political arena.  Mr. Blackburn started his career as a Legislative Assistant for then-Congressman Toomey in 2003 and went on to join the Congressman’s 2004 Senate campaign as the Director of Grassroots for Western and Central Pennsylvania.  He continued to gain legislative and policy experience as a Legislative Assistant for Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) and as the Government Affairs Director for Express Search, Inc., a patent research company.  Most recently, Mr. Blackburn served as the Policy Director for Senator-Elect Toomey’s 2010 campaign, overseeing all research and policy issues.  Mr. Blackburn received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Gannon University in Erie, PA.
Josh Novotney – Eastern Pennsylvania Director.  Mr. Novotney joins Senator-Elect Toomey’s staff as the Director for Eastern Pennsylvania, after serving as the Finance Director for Senator-Elect Toomey’s 2010 campaign.  He brings many years of experience in the political arena, including service as the GOTV Coordinator for the Republican National Committee, the Fundraising Program Director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Finance Director for Jim Gilmore for Senate, and the Deputy Financial Director for Senator Arlen Specter’s campaign committee.  Mr. Novotney received his bachelors in political science from Notre Dame University.
Marta Gabriel – Regional Manager for the Lehigh Valley.  Ms. Gabriel’s service to Pennsylvania is well-known throughout the Lehigh Valley.  She brings years of experience in the private sector, including her current position as Executive Vice President-Operations & Easton Initiatives of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce.  She has also worked for some of the Lehigh Valley’s largest businesses, including Air Products and Chemicals in Allentown and Crayola in Easton.  Her experience includes community relations, philanthropy, foundation and development, and media outreach.  Ms. Gabriel has also served in a number of volunteer positions, including sitting on the Board of Directors of Renew Lehigh Valley and the Secretary of the Easton Heritage Day Board.  Ms. Gabriel received her bachelor’s degree in business communications from Moravian College and her masters in political science from Lehigh University.
Sheila Sterrett – Regional Manager for Northwest Pennsylvania.  Ms. Sterrett has spent many years working in public service in Pennsylvania’s northwest region.  For over a decade, Ms. Sterrett has served as the Director of Government Affairs for the Manufacturer & Business Association in Erie, PA, where she represented more than 4,500 member companies located throughout northwest Pennsylvania.  Ms. Sterrett has also taught political science and public administration courses at Mercyhurst College and Penn State Behrend.  Ms. Sterrett received her masters in public administration from Gannon University in Erie and her bachelor’s degree from Clarion University.
James Fitzpatrick - Regional Manager for Southeast Pennsylvania. A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Fitzpatrick has spent many years in the political arena. Most recently, he served as the Southeast Regional Field Manager for Senator Toomey’s 2010 campaign, overseeing all field work for Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware, and Philadelphia Counties.  Mr. Fitzpatrick has also served as a Regional Political Coordinator for the Republican National Committee, overseeing 14 states, and as the Philadelphia Field Director for the McCain-Palin campaign.  Mr. Fitzpatrick graduated with a degree in history from Lehigh University in Bethlehem.
“I am very proud of the team we are assembling both in Pennsylvania and D.C.,” Senator-Elect Toomey said.  “All of these new hires bring experience, a terrific work ethic, and a passion for the work they do.  There is much challenging work before us, but with such a committed and hardworking group of people around me, I know we can make real and constructive progress for Pennsylvania and our country.”

Two Numbers To Remember: 660 And 87

Here are two numbers for Democrats to remember as 2011 approaches: 660 and 87.
The first is the number of seats won by the Republicans in Congress, state legislatures and among governors throughout the United States. Six hundred and sixty seats. That's lots of new power for the GOP -- power from local, individual legislative districts in each state right on up to the nation's capital. As a result of the 2010 elections, that's REAL power.
The second is the number of new Republican members of the House and Senate who will arrive in Washington next week to take their oaths of office. Eighty seven. That's a huge number and it represents a significant shift in power.
Ohhhhhhh, yes . . . Elections really DO have consequences!

Reid's Retreat: A Dramatic Victory And Turning Point

Senator John McCain called it a "seminal moment."
That was the moment when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided Thursday evening to pull the 1,924-page, $1.27 trillion omnibus spending bill.
This was indeed a turning point and a Huge Victory for those who are determined to lessen the size and scope of government.
But Republicans should not gloat or regale in this victory -- far from it.
There is much more hard work to be done.
Still, this is an important step and a dramatic moment in the fight to control federal spending.

Toomey Hints Time To Question Fed Authority

Excerpts from a speech yesterday by Pennsylvania Senator-Elect Pat Toomey to the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association:
“The problems with our economy are fundamentally not monetary and certainly not a lack of money supply . . . Quantitative easing is the wrong tool. It is tantamount to using a hammer when you need a wrench. That’s not a good way to turn a nut.”

“One of the most worrisome consequences of QE2 is the impact on government finances. Part of the Fed’s objective is to create higher inflation expectations by actually inducing higher inflation now. But higher inflation almost certainly means higher interest rates.”

“I think this is a very dangerous path the Fed is taking and we should have a vigorous public debate about it, including members of Congress.”

“We ought to consider what drives the Fed to frequent excesses – especially excessive easing such as that epitomized by QE2. I believe it is the Fed’s dual mandate from Congress – to achieve price stability and maximize employment . . . We all want to maximize productive employment, but the question is whether or not this is a suitable mission for the Federal Reserve. I am increasingly coming to the view that it is not.”

Senate Dems Already Worried Sick Over 2012

The 2010 election is barely over and Senate Democrats facing re-election in 2012 are already worried sick over their prospects. They not only fear the Dems will lose control of the Senate, they fear they're seats will be the ones costing the party control of the upper house. 
In 2012, the Democrats have to defend 23 seats in the Senate while the GOP need only defend 10. That's a tall order for the Dems.
And selected pundits are already dismissing the Dem's chances. Here's how Fox News reports it:
Some analysts, who have already begun digging in to the 2012 races, give Republicans the advantage. Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics says, "There are 13 Democrats who are vulnerable to very vulnerable, while there are just six Republicans who are vulnerable to very vulnerable."
Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) admits she's feeling the heat. When asked about her 2012 re-election bid she replied, "I'd be less than honest if I didn't say that I was worried."
McCaskill is likely to be among the GOP's top targets, which will probably also include: Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Jim Webb (D-Va.).
And McCaskill acknowledges that Democrats have an uphill battle, "The voters obviously spoke very loudly a few weeks ago, and I heard them." Other Democrats facing re-election, like Senator Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) are publicly floating the idea of retiring altogether.
Click here to read the full story from Fox.

Toomey: 'We Will Do This Together'

From Pennsylvania Senator-Elect Pat Toomey's victory statement last night:
I have the greatest faith in Pennsylvania and America.  As I campaigned across this great Commonwealth, from the bustling city of Philadelphia, to the rolling farmland of Central Pennsylvania, from Pittsburgh to Pike County, from the Great Lake in Erie to the shops in downtown Easton I have seen proof of Pennsylvania and America’s perseverance. 
I have seen evidence of what I have always known – that the hardworking men and women of Pennsylvania will drive a spectacular economic recovery in this nation if our government will let us. 
As I have said so many times during this campaign, America is still the shining city on the hill.  This 21st Century can be another great American century – a century in which we Americans continue to inspire the rest of the world in our commitment to freedom; a century in which we lead the world with the strongest economy and the greatest prosperity on the planet; a century in which we continue the great American tradition of each generation turning over to our kids an even greater country.
We will do this together

Congratulations, Senator-Elect Toomey!


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