Showing posts with label Christine Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christine Flowers. Show all posts

Warped Thinking Behind Blame Game

I Usually don't choke on my breakfast. But one morning this week, enjoying a creme donut and a full-fat latte, I came close to needing the Heimlich maneuver. It happened when one of those overly perky TV ladies opined that the city's flash-mob problem was directly connected to cuts in social services for at-risk teens.
I've actually been very good during the debt-ceiling debates. Despite a slight but ever-increasing rise in my blood pressure over the last few weeks, I've been able to tune out most of the "tea partiers are terrorists" rhetoric and keep my eye on the fiscal prize: no default, no new taxes, limited but crucial cuts in spending.

Click here to read the rest of Christine Flowers, wonderful column from the Philadelphia Daily News.

'IF' - The X-Rated Version, By Christine Flowers

With apologies to Rudyard Kipling and "If."

IF YOU CAN keep your briefs when all around you 
Are losing theirs and Tweeting photos, too. 
If you conduct yourself 
so none will doubt you 
And Andrew Breitbart can't make you the news. 
If you can hire a nanny for the children and not increase their number by a son. 
And turn your back on "Annies" who are

Click here to read the rest of Christine Flower's brilliant updated version of the famous poetic homily, 'If' from the Philadelphia Daily News.

OBL Death: Celebrate Into The Night!

The great Christine Flowers has written an outstanding column on some of the hand-ringing surrounding celebrations in the aftermath of Bin Laden's death.
Here's part of what Christine has to say in today's Philadelphia Daily News:
Here's what I think of the people who are upset (upset?!) at the jubilation over the death of al Qaeda's monster-in-chief:
Please go get a cup of green tea to calm your nerves, a good selection from Oprah's book club - and some smelling salts.
You poor, delicate things.
Click here to read more.

How Philly Bowed To Secular 'Gods'

And the great Christine Flowers has given her take on the whole Philadelphia Christmas imbroglio. Here's part of what Christine says in the Philadelphia Daily News:

I've spent Christmases all over the world - Paris, Rome and London. There was never a sense of exclusion, only an open embrace for all comers. The crèche in Piazza Navona, the lights at Notre Dame and the bells of St. Paul that are heard through the streets of London are for everyone, including those who don't worship anything.
Nutter and his narrow-minded crew may have thought that by removing the word "Christmas" from the public square they were advancing the rights of all Philadelphians: Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Rastafarians, atheists and even Republicans (a cult they usually have a problem with). But what they have ended up doing is show themselves to be slaves of the God of Political Correctness (and Feeble Thinking).
I pity them.
Click here to read the entire superb column by Christine Flowres.

Christine Flowers On Tumult In Catholic Church

There are tea parties, and then there are what you might call "Holy Trini-tea" parties. One of the latter recently took place in Baltimore, doing to my more liberal Catholic brethren what the tea- party movement did to secular progressives on Nov. 2. According to an Associated Press report, written in the breathless language of a political dispatch, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan was elected president of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops this week in what was described as a historic "upset."
The significance? Well, for starters, it's the first time in almost 50 years that a sitting vice president of the conference has been defeated for the top spot.
More important, it's a clear shot across the bow to the wing of the church that believes Vatican II didn't go far enough. Tucson, Ariz., Bishop Gerald Kicanas, a favorite of liberal Catholics, was considered a shoo-in, and his defeat was a stunning rejection of the leftward tilt some church leaders (and many in the laity) have embraced in recent years.
Click here to read the rest of Christine Flowers' column from the Philadelphia Daily News.

Oh Yeah, Americans Got (And Sent) A Message

It wasn't their guns and religion that Americans were clinging to on Tuesday. But it was to the conviction that President Obama was leading their country in the wrong direction. And to a realization that their voices, often derided by the so-called educated classes, would now have to be heard. They were clinging to the belief that no matter what those legions of editorial writers said, they were perfectly capable of making their own extremely well-informed choices about the leadership of the United States.
And, finally, they were clinging to the notion that you can oppose a president without being his enemy.
Click here to read the rest of Christine Flowers' excellent column from the Philadelphia Daily News.

The Political Rage Of Middle-Aged Liberal Women

It must be hard to be a menopausal liberal. How else to explain the collective meltdown being experienced by women of a certain age and political stripe in the waning days of this midterm election? The examples of hormonal angst are too numerous to list, so I'll just focus on a few of the more amusing ones.
JOY BEHAR VS. SHARRON ANGLE: A lot of people, not just women, hate the GOP Senate candidate from Nevada.
She's been ridiculed as an "Annie Get Your 'Second Amendment Remedies,' " a racist who can't tell chalupas from chow mein and a woman who thinks rape victims should be drinking lemonade.
Click here to read the rest of Christine Flowers' fine column from the Philadelphia Daily News.

Foul Air At National Public Radio

Christine Flowers at the Philadelphia Daily News on the Juan Williams/NPR imbroglio:
What happened to Williams is despicable. We help support NPR with our money, so we expect it to provide reportage that doesn't cater to any particular demographic. If we're going to be worried about offending the sensitivities of some groups and their secular liberal proxies, maybe we should also start a campaign to prevent NPR from airing any more of their heavy-handed and clearly opinion-driven reports on many topics, including the pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church.
Click here to read the entire column.


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