Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts

Gallup: Obama Approval Rating Now Below 40%

Well, it's happened.
President Obama's approval rating it not only in the tank but now it has slipped below 40% for the first time ever. And this is from the well-respected Gallup poll -- the oldest and most widely-reported poll of its type. Indeed, founder Dr. George Gallup virtually invented the modern political poll.
New data posted Sunday now show that 39% of Americans approve of Obama's job performance, while a clear majority (54%) disapprove. Both of these are the worst numbers of his presidency.
That 54% disapproval figure is VERY significant because it tops the 53% of the popular vote that Obama won in 2008. So now, more Americans disapprove of Obama than voted for him in 2008.
Most of the turnaround has come from independent and unaligned voters who are increasingly disenchanted with the President. But some has come from Democrats as well, since polls now show that as many as one out of three Democrats are disappointed with the President's performance.
Well, the same people who made fun of President George W. Bush when his poll numbers dipped into the 30s now have to confront the reality of Barack Obama's dwindling popularity and/or apparent demise.
Read it and weep.

Gallup: Obama's Popularity Sinks To New Low

Forty percent of Americans approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president in Gallup's three-day rolling average for July 26-28, a new low for him. His overall approval rating essentially matches his recent rating for handling the debt ceiling negotiations.

New Poll: Bad News For President Obama

FAILURE: Only 30 percent of respondents in a Bloomberg poll say they are certain to vote for the President Obama. Among likely independent voters, only 23 percent say they will back his re-election.
The poll says that Americans also worry about a possible GOP nominee who is too far to the right. But, that worry is overridden by economic conserns and skepticism regarding the President and his programs.Bloomberg says "the intensity among respondents who strongly agreed about judging Obama on his record of job creation was higher -- 45 percent versus 33 percent -- than those worried about a Republican nominee pushed to the right." 

Gallup: Obama Slips To Low Point -- Again!

The latest Gallup Daily tracking three-day average shows 41% of Americans approving of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. That ties his low as president, which he registered three times previously -- twice in August 2010 and once in October 2010.
July 2009-April 2011 Trend: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? % Approve

Poll: Pick Your Very Favorite Elizabeth Taylor Film

From 1942 when she first appeared on the screen in There's One Born Every Minute through her last film role in The Flinstones in 1994 Elizabeth Taylor appeared in 50 feature films.
Through six decades she was a compelling screen presence.
But what is your very favorite Elizabeth Taylor film of all time?
Maybe you enjoyed Elizabeth Taylor as a young girl in Courage of Lassie, Life With Father or National Velvet.
Maybe you liked Elizabeth Taylor the ingenue in Father of the Bride or it's sequel Father's Little Dividend.
Or maybe the lusty, seductive Elizabeth Taylor in A Place In The Sun or Elephant Walk or Giant appealed to you.
Then there were the bountiful glory years with Raintree County, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Suddenly Last Summer, and Butterfield 8.
How about the Richard Burton years with Cleopatra, The VIPs, The Sandpiper, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and The Taming of the Shrew?
There are so many to choose from.
But what if you could only pick one.
What is your favorite Elizabeth Taylor movie of all time?
Make your selection in our poll at the top of this page.
We've listed some of her best films in chronological order.
Now, you choose your favorite. Go to it!

Voters (Almost) Prefer ANY GOP Candidate To Obama

The latest Gallup poll is out and, according to Politico, it does not spell good news for President Obama:
Voters are as likely to support the GOP candidate -- whomever that may be -- as they are President Obama in 2012, according to a new survey out Wednesday.
Gallup poll found 45 percent of respondents said they would vote for Obama for a second term, compared with 45 percent saying they'd back "the Republican Party's candidate."
Click here to read more.

Christie's Poll Numbers: Strong & Growing Stronger

New Jersey Governor chris Christie He must be doing something right  
The latest Farleigh Dickinson poll shows that 53% of NJ residents approve of the job he's doing while only 36% disapprove -- a 17 point spread. 
His numbers have been steadily climbing since his election. In fact, Christie's favorable to unfavorable approval rating is better than that of most NJ Governors of the LAST TWO DECADES. 
Christie's numbers in NJ are better than Obama's. And this poll was taken AFTER the recent snow/vacation controversy.
Congratulations, Governor. Keep up the good work!

Vote In Poll: Happy Holidays Or Merry Christmas?

It's time to put this to the test.
Happy Holidays.
Seasons Greetings.
Merry Christmas.
Which seasonal sentiment is your favorite? Which do you prefer to hear?
Here's your opportunity to vote in our poll.
Do you prefer a homogenized greeting or the more traditional expression of  "Merry Christmas." The choice is yours but we want to hear from you.
Vote in the poll at the top right hand corner of this blog. Let your voice be heard!
We'll tabulate and report the results as we approach Christmas.

Gallup: Historical Election 'Wave' In The Offing

The Gallup Poll is out with its final poll and final model for the election and, to no one's surprise, Gallup sees a very significant trend -- one that may be larger than those seen in "several generations."
Here's part of what Gallup says:
Gallup's historical model suggests that a party needs at least a two-point advantage in the national House vote to win a majority of the 435 seats. The Republicans' current likely voter margin suggests that this scenario is highly probable, making the question of interest this election not whether the GOP will win the majority, but by how much. Taking Gallup's final survey's margin of error into account, the historical model predicts that the Republicans could gain anywhere from 60 seats on up, with gains well beyond that possible.
It should be noted, however, that this year's 15-point gap in favor of the Republican candidates among likely voters is unprecedented in Gallup polling and could result in the largest Republican margin in House voting in several generations. This means that seat projections have moved into uncharted territory, in which past relationships between the national two-party vote and the number of seats won may not be maintained.
Click here to read the full story.

Gallup Sees Clear, Significant GOP Trend

Gallup sees a clear, powerful trend toward the Republicans.
From the latest Gallup Poll:
55% of likely voters in Gallup's Oct. 14-24, 2010, polling are Republicans and independents who lean Republican. This is higher than the Republican showing in the past four midterm elections, although not too dissimilar to the 51% found in 2002. The corollary of this is that the 40% of likely voters now identifying as Democratic is the lowest such percentage of the past several midterms.
Notably, this year's high Republican representation among likely voters stems mainly from a substantial increase in Republican-leaning independents in the likely voter pool -- now at 16% -- reflecting the broader shift toward the Republican Party among independents evident since 2009. . . . 
Gallup's recent tracking of the generic ballot for Congress has shown the Republicans with substantial leads over the Democrats among likely voters, in part because the underlying registered voter population leans Republican in its vote choice. Compared with previous elections, that tilt is an extraordinary positioning for the Republicans, who typically do no better than tie the Democrats among registered voters. The GOP's position is further enhanced by the generally strong proclivity of Republicans to turn out to vote, which appears to be even greater than usual this year.
Click here to read the full report from Gallup.


Rasmussen: GOP House Wins - 55; Senate Much Closer

One of America's most respected pollsters, Scott Rasmuseen sees the GOP picking up 55 House seats in the November 2 election. That's 16 more than the 39 seats the Republicans need to gain control of the House.
If this happens, Republicans will not only have a relatively comfortable majority in the House but it's a safe bet that a couple of surviving House Democrats may also eventually find it in their best interests to switch parties and join the GOP. This has often been the pattern in the past. If it happens, the GOP would have even more of a cushion.
On the Senate side, Rasmussen says the split is now GOP 48, Democrats 47. He's listing the following five seats as ones that could go either way: California, Illinois, Washington, West Virginia, and Nevada. For the sake of argument, I'll give the Democrats California and Illinois. Right now, Nevada, West Virginia and Washington all seem to be leaning Republican. That would be enough to tip the balance. And if the GOP should pick up Illinois (Obama's old seat) or California (Boxer's seat) that would be gravy.
No so long ago most people gave the GOP little chance to regain the House and absolutely no chance to regain the Senate.
Well, those days are gone.
And a bright New Day may be just over the horizon.
Pray to heaven. And work like hell.
Click here to read more about Rasmussen's predictions.

Rasmussen On PA Senate Race: SOLID GOP

Rasmussen Reports has just announced that Republican Pat Toomey now holds a 10-point lead over Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak, the widest gap between the candidates since early April in Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race:
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Pennsylvania shows Toomey earning 49% of the vote, while Sestak picks up 39% support. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, but a sizable 10% remain undecided less than three weeks before Election Day. (To see question wording, click here.)
The race now moves from Leans GOP to Solid GOP in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings.

Vote In Our Presidential Straw Poll

Have you voted yet?
Have you voted in our 2012 GOP Presidential Straw Poll?
More than 100 people have voted and so far the two top candidates are Sarah Palin and Chris Christie, in that order. Mitt Romney is third.
If you haven't voted, we urge you ro vote today.
It's easy to vote.
The poll appears at the top of this page. Simply click on your favorite.

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