Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pelosi. Show all posts

About Those Gas Prices; Whose Fault Now?

We're here in South Florida and here's what we've noticed as we travel about: the price of a gallon of regular grade gas is hovering around $3.30.
So the price of fuel at the pump has crept up and up and up.
And at the rate things are going,some people say that gas may even hit $4.00 per gallon by the time the summer vacation months roll around.
You heard that right: FOUR DOLLARS PER GALLON!
A few years back when gas prices crept upward the hew and cry from the Democrat Congress was ear-splitting and the daily barrage was endless. And the mainstream media joined in as well. And you know who Reid sand Pelosi and the media blamed. Yes, they blamed the then President and Vice President of the United States. And they said that the President and Vice President were way too cozy with big oil. And they blamed Halliburton as well.
But now that we have a different President and Vice President, Reid and Pelosi are silent. And the mainstream media have turned mute as well. They're not pointing fingers at the White House now. No, no --not a sound is heard.
But gas prices are every bit as high if not higher than they were then.
And now we have 10 percent unemployment and a far more severe economic situation than we had then. But not a peep is heard from Harry and Nancy and the mainstream media. And in fact neither Barack nor Joe are talking about it very much either.
But gas prices still keep going up.
And I ask you: Who,s fault is it now? Hmmmmm?

Democrat Party Dead In The South

Democrats lost all over the country this year.
But in the South, the losses have been staggering.
What little was left of the Democrat Party in Dixie has all but withered away. Today, the South is solid red.
Of course the South has been trending red for years. But after Barack Obama was elected in 2008, Democrats had renewed hope of breaking the solid GOP South and making inroads. The Dems ran more moderate candidates south of the border and actually seemed to be doing better.
But now nearly all of those moderates have been swept away in the great Republican stampede of 2010.
Many southern moderates and would-be (or former) Democrats are blaming Pelosi, Reid and Obama. They feel betrayed by Democrat party leaders. Pelosi, Reid and Obama used these so-called moderate Democrats to get votes for Obamacare and other initiatives and then threw them under the bus.
The liberals got just enough votes and then walked away from the ones who gave them the margin to prevail.
Now, what few Democrat officeholders are left in the South are quickly switching over to the GOP. Ten more across three states have changed parties since the elections. And there are reports of more switches to come.
The radical policies of Obami, Pelosi and Reid do not play well amidst the common-sense conservatism that characterizes today's Dixie.
In my lifetime, the Democrat Party has never been more liberal nor more disconnected from vast expanses of the nation. It's not just the South that the party has forgotten. And it's not just rural America that's been discarded. No, we're talking about thriving areas of the nation with major cities and sprawling suburbs and exurbs. We're talking about America's heartland.
And the people who live there know it. 
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are deaf to the concerns of of mid-America. And Obama is their enabler.

Marco Rubio Kicks Off New Era For The GOP

While the Democrats saddle along with nasty old Harry and the nightmare known as Nancy, the Republican majority looks forward to a new day and a new era for America.

Americans For Properity, NJ Hails Election Results

Tuesday's election was a historic rejection of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s big government agenda designed to regulate the everyday lives of American citizens. In New Jersey’s third Congressional district, voters said no to John Adler and his support for cap-and-trade and the stimulus package.
“The people of New Jersey’s third district demand a Congress that will listen to taxpayers and return government to its constitutional limits,” said Americans for Prosperity - New Jersey State Director Steve Lonegan. “New Jersey citizens are sick of out-of-control spending. We intend to hold the new Congress accountable and demand real change.”
AFP-New Jersey made thousands of phone calls in each district using the At-Home Freedom Phone program while also distributing 30,000 pieces of literature door-to-door to targeted households. Additionally, the November Is Coming national bus tour hosted events in the third Congressional district.
“The last few years, AFP has been on the ground running the most comprehensive education effort to inform where candidates stand on key policy issues like cap-and-trade, health care, and the stimulus,” said AFP President Tim Phillips. “Today, our 1.6 million activists have made their voices heard despite a President who has repeatedly ignored public opinion to force his own agenda on the American people.”

Ding, Dong The Witch Is Dead!


Don't Let Up: Fight To The Finish!


NYT/CBS Poll: Obama Coalition Falling Apart

Turns out that Obama coalition of 2008 might have been a lot more tenuous than people thought.
Indeed, only two short years ago many pundits saw the Obama election as a major, long-range shift in voter sentiment -- a significant realingment.
But now things look very, very different.
A just-released New York Times/CBS News poll says the Obama coalition of 2008 is breaking up.
Here's how the Times describes it:
Critical parts of the coalition that delivered President Obama to the White House in 2008 and gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 are switching their allegiance to the Republicans in the final phase of the midterm Congressional elections.
And there's more.
The switch among women has been dramatic. The gender gap has disappeared:
In the case of women — a traditionally Democratic-leaning group that the White House has been courting actively in recent weeks — the shift toward the Republicans was marked in the latest poll, especially when compared with their stated preferences in the last Times/CBS poll, in mid-September.
In the earlier poll, women favored Democrats over Republicans by seven percentage points. In the latest poll, women said they were likely to support a Republican over a Democrat by four percentage points, suggesting Republican gains among women who were undecided as of last month.
But the shift extended geographically, as well. Among poll respondents from the Western United States, more said they expected to vote for Republicans this year than said they expected to vote for Democrats; majorities of voters from that region voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 and for Congressional Democrats in 2006, according to the exit polls taken in those elections.
As for Nancy Pelosi, she remains public enemy Number One And she continues to cost Democrats votes:
The Democratic House speaker, Representative Nancy Pelosi, clearly emerged as a political liability for her party in the latest Times/CBS poll. Over all, 43 percent of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of Ms. Pelosi; 15 percent had a favorable opinion, and 40 percent said they had no opinion.
Click here to read the full story at the New York Times.

Now, 'Lockstep' Joe Sestak Says He's 'Independent'

Congressman Joe Sestak’s new television commercial is laughably titled “Independence,” despite the fact that Joe Sestak has voted nearly 100% of the time with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Joe Sestak supports the entire Obama-Pelosi agenda from the bailouts to the stimulus, the bloated budgets, the cap-and-trade energy tax, and the government-run health care bill, and the only time he criticizes his party is when he thinks these job-killing bills should go further.
The only example of “independence” Congressman Sestak cites in his ad is when he ran against Senator Arlen Specter to further his own political career.
“Throughout this campaign, Congressman Sestak boasts about his sham independence, but he votes in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi on every major policy issue,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said. “What exactly is ‘independent’ about that? Pat Toomey is surging in the polls because voters are rejecting Joe Sestak and his extreme liberal agenda.”
From a man known principally for standing with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time, it appears that Congressman Sestak may not know what the word “independence” means.

Joe Sestak and Nancy Pelosi: Two peas in a pod:

* The continuation of the Wall Street bailout (RC #27, 01/22/09).
* The auto bailout (RC #690, 12/10/08)
* The stimulus (RC #70, 02/13/09)
* A second stimulus (RC #991, 12/16/09)
* Cash for clunkers (RC #314, 06/09/09) (RC #682, 07/31/10)
* Government-run health care (RC #165, 3/21/10)
* The cap-and-trade energy tax (RC #477, 06/26/09)
* Raising the debt limit to $14.3 trillion (RC #46, 02/04/10)
* The FY 2009 Omnibus bill (RC #86, 02/25/09)
* The FY 2010 Omnibus bill (RC #949, 12/10/09)
* President Obama’s FY 2010 budget (RC #192, 04/02/09)
* Card Check (, 03/10/09)
* 2007: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2008: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2009: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).
* 2010: Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 94% of the time (Congressional Quarterly).

Congressman Sestak on himself:

* Sestak: “I absolutely do say I’m a progressive” (RJ Harris, WHP 580 AM, 05/14/10).
* Sestak: “I want to be Obama’s strongest ally” (The Valley-News Dispatch, 03/01/10).
* Sestak: “I think that the strength of my beliefs and convictions in democratic principles, which land me on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party” (AlterNet, 06/04/10).
* Sestak: “I'm a Democrat out of core beliefs and core convictions” (MSNBC, 05/18/10).
* Sestak: “I’ll compare my voting record for Democratic principles, any day, any time” (Primary debate, 02/05/10).
* Morning Call: “Sestak said the major difference is that he’s the real Democrat” (Allentown Morning Call, 05/02/10).
* Morning Call: “Sestak ran a TV ad that said: If you have a problem with Joe Sestak's record as the real Democrat go ahead and attack that” (Morning Call, 04/29/10).
* Philadelphia Inquirer: “His [Sestak’s] core message: I'm a real Democrat; Specter is not. You can’t trust him” (Philadelphia Inquirer, 04/11/10).
* The Times-Tribune: “Mr. Sestak said he's the only ‘real Democrat’ in the race’” (The Times-Tribune, 08/05/09).

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A Special Message From John Boehner

From Congressman John Boehner:
Last week, Congress had an obligation to stop the massive jobs-killing tax increases that threaten to hit small businesses and families on January 1, 2011. Rather than allowing a bipartisan majority an up-or-down vote to stop all the tax hikes, Speaker Pelosi shut down the House for the fall.

The American people deserve a more open and responsive government. On Thursday, I laid out a number of proposals, consistent with "A Pledge to America," to make it easier to cut spending, and return power in the House where it belongs: in the hands of the people.
Click here to read more about Congressman John Boehner's specific proposals.

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