But Standard's Hayes Thinks Christie MAY Run

Stephen F. Hayes of  the Weekly Standard admits that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie doesn't want to run for President but still says there's a possibility that Christie may run if Congressman Paul Ryan doesn't run.
According to Hayes, Christie and Ryan had an extensive telephone conversation about the GOP presidential race and the two of them agreed that they are disappointed that no one among the current crop of Republican candidates has adequately addressed the mounting US deficit -- not the way it ought to be addressed; not with Christie's bluntness and not with Ryan's mastery of facts and figures.
Ryan (the technician) feels he's got the solution. Christie (the activator) feels that he's demonstrated so far in New Jersey that he can get it done.*
So, the way Hayes explains it, Christie told Ryan he doesn't want to run but he feels somebody must take this issue and run with it. And Hayes leads us to believe that Christie would support Ryan if Ryan did just that.
And Christie's not the only one who's been encouraging Ryan. Similar encouragement has been coming from Karl Rove, Jeb Bush, Senators Ron Johnson and John Cornyn, Bill Bennett and other mainstream Republicans and heavy hitters.
We're told that Ryan will probably make up his mind about this sometime during the coming week.
As for Christie, Hayes indicates he's waiting to see what Ryan does.
Click here to read what Hayes has to say.
*BTW: What about a Ryan-Christie or Christie-Ryan ticket?


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