Singer Lauds Boost In Tax Relief For Seniors, Disabled

New Jersey Senator Robert Singer (R-Ocean), Senate Republican Conference Leader, issued the following statement after the Christie administration announced that they have already begun mailing Senior Freeze checks to senior and disabled homeowners. Checks for the Senior Freeze program, which protects senior citizens and disabled residents from increases in property taxes, will average more than $1,200 this year, going directly to recipients who earned $70,000 or less in 2009 and 2010.
"We are in a position to increase direct property tax relief for seniors and disabled residents because of the fiscal discipline shown over the past two years by Governor Christie and my Republican colleagues. "Democrats in New Jersey have a penchant to spend now and not worry about tomorrow. This shortsightedness over the past ten years during the McGreevey and Corzine era is a major reason why New Jersey and its families find themselves in such a difficult economic situation today.
"I am confident New Jersey is headed in a better direction as a result of our sound fiscal policies that puts the taxpayers first. The increase in tax relief for seniors and disabled residents today is a harbinger for things to come for all New Jersey families."


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