During the 2008 campaign Obama-spinners and nearly the entire press corps (I repeat myself) bandied about the notion that what the candidate lacked in experience (none when it came to running anything other than the Harvard Law Review) he made up in superior temperament. He was cool, calm, unflappable — a sort of Mr. Spock who put rationality above emotion. Has there ever been a worst case of false advertising?Click here to read Rubin's entire column.
Throughout his presidency Barack Obama has shown himself to be thin-skinned and cranky (be it with regard to the Chamber of Commerce, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, town-hall protesters, Wall Street).
Obama's Temperament? Thin-Skinned And Cranky
Once again, Jennifer Rubin nails it at the Washington Post, daring to lift the curtain and reveal Barack Obama as he really is. Here's an excerpt:
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