During his windy news conference today President Obama argued that Americans want higher taxes.
And then he added that 80 percent of Americans support a tax increase to lower the federal debt.
It's an interesting figure -- a startling finding.
There's just one problem with it. It ain't true.
Leading poller Scott Rasmussen was just on the air debunking the President's figure. No poll shows people supporting a tax increase.
This should surprise no one. Republicans swept the 2010 congressional elections on a no tax hike, lower spending pledge. This was a cornerstone of their campaign and they won a huge victory.
Do you really think that could have happened if 80 percent of the voters supported higher taxes and continued mammouth government spending? I doubt it.
Ordinary, common-sense Americans want a halt to runaway taxing and spending.
Oh, and one other thing: Do you remember Obama saying that no one would have to pay higher taxes if he was elected President? I wonder what happened to that pledge.
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