Christie had a simple explanation for his action: "We can't afford it."
Dems (as usual) argued that a tax increase could handle that. But when Christie says "no" on taxes, he means "NO!"
So now the Democrats are promising summer hearings on this and other matters.
That has prompted Governor Christie’s press secretary, Michael Drewniak, to issue the following statement in response to the Democrats’ announcement of plans for summer budget hearings:
BTW: In carrying out the line item veto, the Governor acted totally within his authority under New Jersey's constitution.“Unless the Democrats in the legislature just found a money tree behind the Statehouse, they still have no way to pay for their election-year spending spree. Clearly, these summer hearings will be nothing more than political theater with the same recycled, overused and rabidly partisan rhetoric the Democrats regularly default to for each budget, regardless of the year or circumstances. If the Democrats in the legislature plan to come back to work this summer, their efforts would be better spent on the issues they neglected over the past year – like education reform for every New Jersey child and the unfinished business of the Governor’s property tax relief tool kit.”
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