The Freedom We Don't Exercise Enough

At sometime during this Fourth of July weekend, you'll hear these words from the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

We're all inclined to focus on the "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," but if you do, you may something important.

It relates directly to the Freedom we Americans don't exercise enough.

"They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights."

The Founding Fathers were Deists. They believed in a power greater than themselves. A God that gave them unalienable rights, rights that no earthly power - not even the government - could take them away.

Our ancestors risked their lives crossing the Atlantic Ocean to come here, solely so they could worship as they wished. Our nation was founded on the belief that God entitled them to be free and happy, and not even the mighty King of England could change that.

The Democracy we enjoy was founded on our Freedom of Religion; today we give that precious right away without thinking about it.

We're told that we don't need to rely on our Creator that has endowed us with these unalienable rights. Unless it's Christmas, or a High Holy Day, our places are worship aren't as full as they should be. The Ten Commandments are taken off of the front of courthouses. People would rather sleep in or watch football than spend an hour in worship. "In God We Trust" may be on the dollar bill, but the words are meaningless to many.

This "Me First" Godless attitude is really starting to fray the fabric on which America was made. You really have to shake your head on some of the things we see happening in the news.

But it's not too late. And Independence Day is a great time to start. On America's Birthday, look up to the heavens and thank your Creator for your unalienable rights and living in the greatest country in the world. Do it however you'd like. After all, your Free to Worship however you'd like. This is America.


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