Philly Flash Mob Breaks Woman's Leg

Another day, another flash mob.
The memories of a flash mob looting of a nearby department store were still fresh when a mob of young people attacked again near the center of Philadelphia's downtown area Saturday.
This time the young thugs were after pedestrians.
They shouted "run, run" and then they swarmed, breaking someone's leg and injuring others.
Yes, these mobs have hit other cities as well: Chicago and Washington to name a couple.
But I'm talking about Philly now because this is what I'm most familiar with and most concerned about.
Let's be clear on this: The flash mob attacks must end if the city is to have any future whatsoever. Forget "Philly Rising." Philly ain't goin nowhere but down if these hooligans are allowed to continue rampaging through city streets.
And as Mayor Michael Nutter seeks re-election, he'd better get on the case, pronto lest he find an newly-emerged independent candidate snapping at his heels.
Mature, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens are not amused -- not one bit.
Here's an excerpt from this morning's Philadelphia Daily News:
A woman's leg was broken and several other people were injured Saturday night when a large group of teens accosted pedestrians in Spring Garden, police and witnesses said.
Philadelphia police responded to two reports of pedestrians being assaulted by a large group of young people along Broad Street about 9:30 p.m.
One of those reports came from Emily Guendelsberger, 27, city editor for local arts and entertainment content for the Onion, the satirical newspaper and website. She was walking with seven friends on Green Street near Broad when they were accosted, she said. Guendelsberger, who remained hospitalized with a broken leg yesterday, declined to comment further.
A friend who was with her at the time, Daily News staff writer Molly Eichel, said that they were walking down Green Street when a group of teens was walking down Broad. "We heard kids yell, 'Run, run,' " Eichel said. "Some kid just came out of nowhere and punched my friend Charlie in the face."
Eichel said that when her group tried to run, about 20 teens chased them down the street. "They were kicking kids down and punching them when they were down," she said.
Click here for more on this story.


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