Christie Signs Bills Into Law

On Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed the following bills into law:

S-125/A-322 (Connors, Van Drew/Rumpf, Milam, Albano, Vainieri Huttle, Conaway) – Establishes NJ Alzheimer’s Disease Study Commission

         S-2541/A-3602 (Madden, Norcross/Moriarty, Ramos, Mainor, Wilson) – Enhances penalty for killing police dog or dog engaged in search and rescue efforts

Last week, Governor Christie also signed the following bill into law:

S-114/A-2299 (Connors, Madden/Wagner, Conners, Ramos, Gove, Rumpf) – Allows municipalities to provide free or reduced fee beach badges to active military and NJ National Guard personnel


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