Christie, Legislative Leaders Reach Landmark Agreement

Almost since the moment he was elected, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been pressing the State Legislature to act on benefits and pension reform. Now it appears that he and the Democrat-controlled Assembly and Senate are about to take a giant step forward.
This evening, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Senate President Stephen Sweeney, Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, Senate Minority Leader Thomas Kean, Jr. and Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce released the following joint statement:
“After months of serious discussions, we are pleased to announce that we have reached agreement on legislation to reform our public pension and health benefits systems in New Jersey.
“The legislation to be considered tomorrow by the Senate Budget Committee and Monday by the Assembly Budget Committee protects taxpayers, saves the public pension system for current and future retirees, and enhances fairness and choice in our health benefits system.
“We all fully support this legislation and will work together to assure its passage by both houses of the Legislature and enactment into law no later than June 30, 2011.”
This means that the Governor has achieved a clear and unprecedented breakthrough on this important issue. The Governor and the leaders of  of the State Legislature -- Republicans and Democrats -- deserve accolades for working together toward reform.


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