Allen 'Marriage By Proxy' Bill Approved

Legislation sponsored by New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen (R- Burlington/Camden) permitting marriage by proxy for members of the armed forces serving in a war or conflict has been approved by the New Jersey Senate

"Service men and women join the armed forces knowing that they could be asked to put their lives on hold in times of war," Allen said. "This legislation does gives members of our armed forces and national guard some peace of mind. Their partners can receive the legal benefits of marriage or civil union in the event that the couple's plans are put on hold by service to our country."

Marriage by proxy allows an attorney to "stand in" for a service member and complete the legal necessities of civil marriage, thereby conferring tax treatment, health benefits, and power of attorney to a service member's partner while he or she is serving in armed conflict or war.

Allen said that military service that disrupts wedding plans can present significant financial difficulties for couples. "This law will help reduce the stress, both emotional and financial, placed couples that are separated by military service. They'll be able to enjoy the benefits of civil marriage while waiting to reunite and celebrate together, in person."


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