Memorial Day Lives In Small Town America

Maybe it's the timeless nature of the scenes.
Maybe it's the sense of community in a small town.
It could be a community pickup band playing under a big tree. Or it could be Old Glory held high, passing under the Town Clock on Main Street. Or it could simply be an old soldier with his hand over his heart or a young child proudly waving the flag or a mother looking on with a special awareness.
Whatever it is, we know that Memorial Day -- and the spirit of America itself -- lives on in its small towns and cities; in these places where neighbors pitch in to help one another and where cherished values endure.
This is where those who gave their all are remembered and cherished -- here and, one would hope, throughout our land.
The scenes above are from historic Haddonfield NJ, the picture-postcard town that seems made for such occasions.
But in fact, these scenes can found anywhere in America this weekend -- and even abroad where cemeteries have been set aside as resting places for Americans who died defending freedom around the world.
Wherever you are: honor, remember, reaffirm!


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