Doherty: NJ Education System Needs Reform Now

New Jersey State Senator Michael Doherty, a member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement urging fundamental reforms to improve New Jersey’s system of free public education.
“New Jersey has some of the best schools in the country, schools that prepare our young students for college or a career. Sadly, some New Jersey schools are chronically failing the student and the surrounding communities.
“As the Governor stated, we must abandon the idea that more money will fix our chronically failing schools. We have tried for the better part of four decades to solve the structural deficiencies in our schools with money, billions have been spent and outcomes haven’t measurably changed.
“For our students to succeed in the global economy of the 21st century our schools will have to adapt.
“We must change the tenure system. One failing teacher can significantly impede the development of many students. The schools must be able to replace failing teachers with teachers that will inspire our young students.
“We must institute a system of merit pay. Excellent teachers must be rewarded for increased student performance. Our young students and the surrounding communities deserve these changes rather than the current moribund educational bureaucracy that has failed them for years.”


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