Slowly by surely Mitt Romney is gaining on you, day by day.
And Mitt isn't even officially in the race yet. He hasn't even started campaigning.
Here's an excerpt from the McClatchey-Marist poll, the Daily Caller and Mitt Romney Central:
A McClatchy-Marist poll released on Wednesday shows Mitt Romney in a statistical deadheat with President Barack Obama. Obama leads Romney, 46 percent to 45 percent.Click here to read more.
The one-point margin represents a dramatic improvement for the former Massachusetts governor, who trailed Obama 51 percent to 38 percent in a McClatchy-Marist poll conducted this past January.
Mike Huckabee was the second-most competitive Republican polled, trailing Obama 48 percent to 43 percent, also a large improvement from the January poll, in which Obama led 50 percent to 38 percent.
However, other potential Republican candidates do not fair as well. Despite Donald Trump’s recent media spotlight and self-generated presidential buzz, the real estate tycoon trails Obama 54 percent to 38 percent.
Former vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin fares even worse, trailing Obama 56 percent to 34 percent.
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