Obama Energy Plan: The Second Coming of Carter and The Energy Crisis?

Obama has much in common with former President Jimmy Carter. They're both Democrats and like nuts (and you can define "nuts" however you'd like).

Their energy policies are also scarily similar.

During Carter's time, turmoil in the Middle East resulted in America experiencing insanely long lines and higher prices at the pump. Now with the Obama Administration still trying to give the oil industry "the finger," we're seeing something extremely similar.

Today, chaos again grips the Middle East. Gas prices are rising to exorbitant levels. And Obama wants to pour funds into researching alternative forms of cleaner energy that won't even come close to seeing dividends until several years down the road.

Are long lines at the pump again in our immediate future? Amanda Carey of the Daily Caller seems to think so. Check out her article here.

And don't drive so much. It's going to kill your wallet.


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