Here's an excerpt from the story:
The recovering addicts filed into the basement room of a drug rehabilitation center in Newark. They sat on folding chairs under fluorescent lights and, one at a time, stood to share their stories.Click here to read more.
Some women had lost custody of their children. Others had slept in the streets and suffered sexual abuse. And several had spent time behind bars after committing crimes to feed their addictions.
This wasn’t a typical therapy session. One of the seats was taken not by a fellow addict, but New Jersey’s first lady, Mary Pat Christie.
There were no television cameras or reporters. Weeks later, Tiffany Walker, a recovering addict who met Christie that day, was still surprised to see her there. "I mean, she’s the first lady!"
After all, first ladies are more often found cutting ribbons or reading to schoolchildren. And while Christie has done those things, too, she’s focused on something else: helping ex-offenders and recovering addicts return to normal life.
"I think people are scared by the criminal justice system. They’re scared to help this population," she said in an interview with The Star-Ledger. "I see it as a population that we have no choice but to help."
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