The REAL Story Behind The Oscars

I don't usually get involved in the perennial Oscar brouhaha but this year presents us with an unusually fine crop of flicks to choose from.
And apparently a huge controversy is brewing in Hollywood that's pitting traditionalists against those who feel that Tinseltown desperately needs to reach out to new generations.
You know what I'm talking about -- and yes, I'm talkin to YOU.
It's the battle between The King's Speech and The Social Network.
On one hand we have a movie that would seem to be as current as the medium you're presently using and as up-to-the-minutes as today's headlines.
On the other we have a costumed, British-accented, faux highbrow drama detailing the supposed backstory of something that happened more than 70 years ago.
Hey, we know that Hollywood has always had a royal love affair with all things British. The town -- and the industry -- that was created by scrappy ethnic hucksters has always wanted to appear classier than it actually is. So, The King's Speech would appear to have a lock on the Oscar, right?
Well, wait a digital nanosecond.
The Social Network is a fast-paced, sexy, captivating tale peppered with fresh lingo and no small share of lithe and attractive young bodies. And, all of the action swirls around smarts, cash, business and high-tech deals -- shifting from the Halls of Ivy to the sun and phrenetic pleasures of Silicon Valley. It's hip. I's hot. It's happening.
Insiders tell me that The King's Speech still has to be considered a favorite. It's a safe bet and it's also a feel-good crowd pleaser. And Hollywood has been known to play it safe. Playing it safe is, after all, good for business. And during times like these nobody likes to take risks.
Still . . . with ten movies now nominated the field would appear to be more open.
Will that leave room for a flick like True Grit to emerge?
I doubt it.
But I will tell you this: As far as I'm concerned, True Grit IS the year's Best Picture.


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