On The Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

Is there a real, sustained, anti-Catholic bias in our midst? Absolutely. 
And it's not likely to disappear anytime soon.
Should we be nonetheless outraged at the crimes and the coverup? You bet! 
Are the Church and its leaders responsible? Yes
Is it likely that the coverup reached the very highest levels of the Church? It certainly seems so. 
Has the Church really come clean on this notorious and disgraceful chapter in its history? No. I don't think so.
What has happened is indefensible. It is an affront to all human decency and sensibility. And yes, it makes me VERY angry. 
In the name of those who were abused -- and in the name of the faithful --I say: Go after every last one of the culprits. Ferret them ALL out.
And the sooner the better.


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