Sen. Diane Allen Supports Higher Ed Reforms

New Jersey State State Senator Diane Allen issued the following statement regarding the report released by Governor Christie's Higher Education Taskforce regarding the future of post-secondary education in New Jersey:

"Increasing access, quality, and affordability to higher education will result in more jobs and a stronger and more stable economy in New Jersey. Governor Kean was correct when he stated today that Chris Christie is the first Governor in some time to take the needs of our higher education system seriously. I applaud his efforts in assembling the Higher Education Task Force to conduct a thorough examination of how we bring our state colleges and universities into the 21st Century. This is an area where we must make investments and reforms so that we may keep more of our young people in New Jersey, and compete for out of state students by providing a world class post-secondary, graduate, or medical education. I look forward to reviewing the task force's recommendations and working with the Governor as a member of the Education Committee to transform our state colleges and universities."


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