Pennsylvania Lawmakers Eyeing Education Vouchers

Pennsylvania lawmakers are once again looking favorably toward a state education voucher plan that will allow parents and students throughout the state to choose their schools from within various school districts.
While Democrats and teachers' unions have almost always steadfastly opposed vouchers, the Republicans will be firmly in charge of Pennsylvania (controlling the Governor's office and both house of the General Assembly) in juust a few days. And the GOP is high on vouchers. Plus, there are at least a few Dems who seem to be willing to go along with the idea.
Here's how CBS Philly and KYW Newsradio report part of the story:
Two state Senators – Republican Jeffrey Piccola, the chairman of the senate education committee, and Philadelphia Democrat Anthony Williams – have unveiled their proposal for a voucher program for low-income students.
On his way out the door, Governor Rendell promptly criticized the plan saying there may have been a need for school choice in the past but, “We’ve filled that need with the incredible expansion of charter schools during my eight years as governor.”
Clcik here for more on this story from CBS Philly and KYW Newsradio.


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