Buses To DC For New GOP Congress Inaugural

Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick's Campaign is staging buses in Langhorne, PA.
Bus Staging Location:  Oxford Valley Mall
Departs: 7:00 AM
Returns: 8:30 PM
Cost:  $30 per person.
Congressman Fitzpatrick is hosting a celebration in Room 210 of the Capitol Visitors Center (Capitol Building), Independence Avenue and First Street, from 12 Noon until 4 PM.

To reserve a bus seat and/or attend the Fitzpatrick event, you must call Kelly at 215.954.5587 as soon as possible (no later than Monday).  Reservations are required.

Congressman Pat Meehan's Campaign is staging buses in Springfield, PA.
Bus Staging Location:  Springfield Country Club, 400 W. Sproul Road
Departs:  7:30 AM
Returns:  9:00 PM
Cost:  $30 per person. Please make checks payable to "Meehan for Congress."
To reserve a bus seat and/or attend the Meehan festivities, you must call Meredith at 484.454.3203 as soon as possible (no later than Monday).  Reservations are required.

The Independence Hall Tea Party Association is staging a bus in Mt. Laurel, NJ.
Bus Staging Location:  Princeton Plaza, 3747 Church Road
Departs:  8 AM
Returns:  8 PM
Cost:  $35 per person.
Congressman Jon Runyan and his staff are hosting an Open House in his new Congressional Office (1239 Longworth Building), beginning at 12 noon.  Visitors will be
able to view the Swearing In on a big screen television and lite refreshments will be served.

To reserve a bus seat and/or attend the Runyan event, you must call Teri at 215.690.4043 as soon as possible (no later than Tuesday).  Seats are filling up.  Reservations are required.

There will be a host of festivities at various locations.  The Capitol Visitors Center (Capitol Building) Independence Avenue and First Street, will be a main attraction. 
We have traveled to Washington to rally and protest. 
Now it's time to celebrate! 


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