Say 'Merry Christmas' To All!

So now, with just a few weeks to go till the Big Day, it's time to start saying it.
All together now: "Merry Christmas!"
Say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet.
Say it to everyone and anyone from now through Christmas day.
Say it and say it and say it again.
Don't hesitate. Don't worry. Don't even think about being politically incorrect.
For there is nothing political about Christmas. Christmas means loving and caring and helping and believing. And Christmas is for everyone.
Christmas means putting aside ill thoughts. It means leading with your heart. It means making yourself a little bit more vulnerable. It means reaching out to others.
Christmas is thoroughly American because it has to do with community and sharing and concern for others. The spirit of Christmas has helped to make our country great.
Christmas only divides those who seek to divide us -- those who wallow in petty resentments; the hair-splitters who look for reasons to disagree and those who highlight our differences rather than what we have in common. Christmas is inclusive. It makes room for everyone. It wishes all peace and joy and harmony.As recent events in Philadelphia have shown, the people who speak most about tolerance and understanding are often the most intolerant and the most disrespectful when it comes to Christmas. They have become the Christmas gentrifiers. They seek a generic holiday: flat, shallow, meaningless.
But we're not gonna let them get away with it.
We wish them a Merry Christmas as well.
So, make no apologies for your glad tidings.
Don't even think twice about it.
Let the robust good spirit of the season carry you along.
M-E-R-R-Y  C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S.
Merry, merry, merry Christmas to all!


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