Message To Gingrich: Please Don't Run

According to The Hill former House Speaker New Gingrich is thisclose to running for President.
The Hill says that "Gingrich said Sunday that he's leaning toward a run for president in 2012." And Gingrich told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace that he's "much more inclined to run than not run." 
Again, from The Hill: "Gingrich said that he and his wife Calista are closing in on a decision on whether or not to jump in, which will likely happen by the end of February."
Well, Gingrich had his chance to lead and his time has come and gone.
Gingrich writes books, appears on TV, comments on events. He's intellectual nimble and can be mildly entertaining. But he has no home base and seems to have no clear core of support. Plus, he doesn't look nor act presidential.
The Republican Party must look forward, not backward.
It's time for new leadership.
And that's not Gingrich.
Please Newt, don't run.


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