Guys Buying Again: Good Economic Sign?

Guys are in the stores for a change.
Yeah, I know it's almost Christmas and they sorta have to be there.
But more guys are shopping and they're buying and they're spending more.
According to an October survey conducted by BIGresearch, men plan to spend about 3 percent more than they did in 2009; women planned to spend about 1 percent less.
That's the word from Bloomberg Businessweek which says that more man went out to stores and malls this year (post-Thanksgiving) than last. And yes, men are buying huge flat screen TVs and other electronics. Men are particularly fond of those items.
But guys are also buying clothing, shoes and accessories. And since men do not comparison shop as much as women, they tend to spend more. Retailers like that.
Does this mean that we've passed an important economic threshold? Are things finally beginning to turn around?
We're not sure. Not yet.
It could simply mean that guys feel a bit more secure about their finances and income than women do.
Stay tuned.


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