Welcome, Congressman-Elect Runyan!

Ohhhh . . . what a night it was last night in South Jersey as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the GOP whopped it up to celebrate the stunning victory of Jon Runyan over Congressman John Adler.
The Governor placed his bet on Runyan early-on and the Governor was right.
Christie made no secret about the fact that no race in the state was more important to him and to New Jersey's Republican Party than this one and the Governor was clearly delighted with the results.
Let me be the first to say this, Christie said: "I give you Congressman-Elect Jon Runyan."
As for Runyan, he was elated and humbled but also as animated as I've ever seen him.
"I'm going to be the biggest person on the House floor," Runyan said. "But I'm going to take all that bigness and use it to shrink the size of government."
With that, the crowd roared its approval.
Christie, Runyan and other GOP leaders lingered to shake hands with the crowd -- an ebullient crowd that was reluctant to let them go.
It's hard to underestimate just how much Republicans in Camden, Burlington and Ocean counties thirsted for this victory. How sweet it is!
Christie and


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