Tina Fey Turns Sour In Accepting Humor Prize

Was it really necessary for Tina Fey to turn sour toward others in accepting the Mark Twain Humor Prize at the Kennedy Center?
Did she really need to mock and ridicule conservative women the way she did?
When will this disgusting liberal condescension and derision end? When?
Here's how the Washington Post reported it:
In her acceptance speech, Fey touched on her best-known bit -- her Palin imitation --and offered some mock hands-across-the-political-divide commentary. The rise of conservative women in politics, she said pointedly, is good for all women, "unless you don't want to pay for your own rape kit . . . unless you're a lesbian who wants to get married to your partner of 20 years . . . [or] unless you believe in evolution."
The lines played first to nervous laughter and then to not much laughter at all.
Well, at least the audience had the good sense to stop laughing and react awkwardly.
Click here to read the whole story from the Post.


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