Those Disrespectful Meatballs Of 'Jersey Shore'

Congratulations to Temple journalism major Danielle Rasati who gives the jerks at the 'Jersey Shore' (and MTV) the old heave-ho:

The gym, the tan, spiky hair, big muscles, the poof, juiceheads, Armani Exchange and Cadillacs - the essentials to being an Italian "guido" or "guidette," according to MTV's "Jersey Shore."
But I beg to differ, along with many other Italian-Americans. We lived through the first season biting our tongues - and hoped things would get better in Season 2. They didn't. So this "guidette" is boiling.
The cast of "JS" has cornered the market on over-the-top Italian-American stereotypes, leaving the more uniformed viewers thinking that all Italian-Americans in fact act in this obscene manner.
Click here to read more from Danielle Rosati's outstanding column at the Philadelphia Daily News.


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