Fed Barnes: GOP Now Larger, More Diverse

Fred Barnes has a great post-election column at The Weekly Standard.
Here's part of what he says:

With their landslide victory in the midterm election, Republicans rearranged the nation’s political landscape.  They strengthened their position in the Midwest, gained a foothold in the Northeast, and practically drove Democrats out of the South.
Republicans also turned themselves into a more diverse party, at least at the top.  Two African-Americans – Allen West in Florida and Tim Scott in South Carolina – won House seats. They can now form a black Republican caucus, with the hope of growing it in the future.
By winning the Senate race in Florida, Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American, is likely to become a Republican star in Washington.  And Susana Martinez was elected governor of New Mexico and Brian Sandoval governor of Nevada.  Both are Hispanics.
The effect of all this was to restore Republicans as a national party, strong again in the Midwest, more dominant than ever in the South, and competitive in the Northeast.
Click here to read the entire column from The Weekly Standard.


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