Hey, when it's this late in the game and you still haven't energized your bas, you've got problems.
But let's put that side for just a moment.
The President came. He saw. And he fizzled.
Here's how Dana Milbank (no Obama enemy, he) describes it in the Washington Post:
On Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night.It was painful to watch. Painful.
The Daily Show host was giving Obama a tough time about hiring the conventional and Clintonian Larry Summers as his top economic advisor.
"In fairness," the president replied defensively, "Larry Summers did a heckuva job."
"You don't want to use that phrase, dude," Stewart recommended with a laugh.
Dude. The indignity of a comedy show host calling the commander in chief "dude" pretty well captured the moment for Obama.
But it proves what we've known all along: The President isn't very funny -- especially when the subject is him and his policies. In fact, he's actually drowse-inducing.
Click here to read all of Milbank's column.
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