Regrettably, President Obama has made his share of mistakes.
Did you expect anything less from someone so inexperienced? Did you?
Still, we can all learn from our mistakes. A smart person learns from his own mistakes. A genius learns from the mistakes of others.
But, before you can learn from your mistakes, you've gotta know what they are.
Here are what I consider to be President Obama's five biggest mistakes:
1) Choosing Joe Biden as his Vice President. As a running mate, Biden was fine. He brought strengths to the ticket that Obama lacked. But as a Vice President, Obama is an embarrassment, to say the least. His near-daily gaffes would be funny if they weren't so sad. Biden is a washed-up old windbag. No wonder some in the Obama keep seem to be considering a Biden-free ticket in 2012.
2) Not focusing on the economy fist, last and always. The economy (and more specifically, jobs) should have been Obama's first, second and third priority. But that din't happen. And that's part of the reason why the economy has not recovered.
3) Hanging onto the same Chicago crowd and bringing them into the White House. Ward style Chicago politics and brute force Chicago thuggery have no place in the White House. It doesn't work. It didn't work.
4) Setting and announcing a deadline for withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Very simple rule broken here: You tell the enemy the most important part of your fighting strategy while you're still fighting the war. It's dumb, destructive, defeatist.
5) Trying to do to much too fast and not bringing the people (and the other party) into the loop. Yes, Obama had a mandate. But he had a mandate to govern -- not to rule as a veritable potentate.
There you have it -- The Five Big Reasons.
Will the President learn from his mistakes?
Stay tuned . . .
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