How To Protest NPR's Firing Of Juan Williams

The firing of Juan Williams by National Public Radio is a disgrace. Williams is an intelligent, reasoned journalist, a widely-respected author and a thought-provoking and enlightening columnist and commentator. National Public Radio is nothing more than a slightly glorified Montessori School for overgrown jerks.
It's shameful.
Williams merely expressed certain sentiments that are fairly and legitimately felt by millions of people -- not just in America but all over the world. But this was too much for the smug politically-correct crowd that now threatens our most cherished freedoms and liberties.
I had the privilege of meeting Juan Williams and spending some time with him when he came to speak to the members of a professional association and I was the director of communications for that same association. He was one of our most popular speakers -- thorough, incisive, entertaining and informative. He is a consummate professional.
Click here and tell the NPR Ombudsman exactly what you think about the firing of Juan Williams.
Or try calling NPR Listener Services: (202) 513-3232 (Hours: 10am to 5pm ET, Monday through Friday).
Let NPR know loud and clear: This nonsense MUST stop!
BTW: Congratulations to Fox News for keeping Juan Williams on the air.


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