George Will Sees 'Historic Shift' For Congress

Pulitzer Prize winning columnist George Will doesn't usually make wild-eyed predictions.
So, when Will tells you that an "historic shift" lies ahead, you'd better pay attention.
Counting up the many Democrats in the United States Senate who are likely to be vanquished come Election Day, Will notes as follows:
Alaska's incumbent Lisa Murkowski, who the American Conservative Union ranks as the fourth-most-liberal Senate Republican and who already has been rejected by Republicans in the primary, might lose her sore-loser write-in candidacy. Arkansas incumbent Blanche Lincoln is behind by 20 points in the RealClearPolitics average of polls. Wisconsin incumbent Russ Feingold is behind by an average of 8 points. And Colorado incumbent Michael Bennet, appointed to the seat vacated when Ken Salazar became secretary of the interior, trails by a RealClearPolitics average of 4.3.
Click here to read Will's entire column at Investor's Business Daily.


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