2.5 really damn ass cold miles

I rode my bike to the bike shop on Monday. The day was supposed to top out at 5 degrees F.. When I got a ride home from the shop, the thermometer read 0 degrees F.

Now mind you in Celsius Zero is Freezing cold (Literally). But in Fahrenheit Zero is 31 degrees below freezing, and then lets add some windchill factor just for kicks. I think topped out at about 40 MPH and got a wee bit cold.

I only wore my half shell with a mask and shades. The exposed area around the eyes was screaming for me to stop. I trudged on. I want that new tire on before it's riding time dammit! The shop had an opening, and my friend the owner of the shop was telling me it was picking up, and if I did not get my bike in quick, I'd be in line waiting come springtime to have the work done, and missing out on riding time.

I should have listened to my wife ages ago when she hounded me to get it in before the trailer was buried in snow in the back yard, but I wanted to milk out every last day of riding, and now I had to pay for my greed. I asked to use several friends and family's covered trailers, but all had the same story as me, or else they were full of shit. (The trailers that is, not my friends or family) Well maybe both. Who knows.

Oh well, such is life. My bike's at the shop now, and will be ready for me come springtime. I'll be ready to roll then.


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