Vetter Fairings

On Tuesday 6-23-08, Doug Klassen of Fourty Years on Two Wheels had a great post about his past, when he was a news film courier. Take a moment to read it, then pop on back here to finish reading this post.

He has a picture of the old BMW he used to ride. I love nostalgic bikes. I also get a kick out of the Vetter fairing on it. I've never seen one on a BMW before. It just goes to show you learn something new all the time.

Anyway, This reminded me instantly of when I was a kid. I remember sitting in the livingroom on the floor, watching the great big old console style television. There was a commercial that I used to see frequently. This commercial is one of the things that sparked my love for motorcycles. It was (I believe) a Honda commercial. They showed a Motorcycle cruising really fast on a curvy road and it had a Windjammer fairing by Vetter. Heck, I went on for a few years thinking that Windjammer was actually the name of the Honda motorcycle that I coveted so much. L.O.L.! It's kinda like hearing a song when you are a kid, or even an adult, thinking you know the lyrics, only to find out you've been singing them in your head wrong for quite some time.

Several motorcycles into my beginning to be a real biker, I picked up a 1981 Honda Goldwing GL1100. This was the old style with the Windjammer Vetter fairing. Cooincidence? I wonder.
Anyone who has followed my blog might be wondering, sooo...If you were wondering, the answer is Yes, I customized it too.


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